SNAP JUDGEMENT – June 9 – June 22
Welcome back for another look at the genre trailers that were recently unleashed upon us! Last week was jammed full of E3 trailers and movies took a backseat. But between two weeks we’ve gotten a nice handful of new looks. Note that I’m not including The Predator‘s TV spot that aired during the NBA finals as Fox doesn’t seem to have uploaded an official version and everything out there looks fairly blah. It’s cool, there’s a really big Predator, still a very brief glimpse. A full trailer should be out in time for Ant Man and The Wasp in a few weeks, if not a red-band this coming week to pair with Sicario: Day of the Saldado. I’ll be sure to cover it, though I’m hoping things stay vague and the movie speaks for itself.
THE LITTLE STRANGER (August 31st, Focus Features)
The Skinny: From Lenny Abrahamson who last directed Room, this is a period mystery that appears to be something of a haunted house story. There’s some beautiful, lush scenery here, beautiful art direction, and a creepy vibe. I’m not exactly sure how this is going to be, but I’m a huge Domhnall Gleeson and Will Poulter fan so I’m on board based on them more than the trailer.
Spoiler Alert: I get the feeling there are a few frames that may spoil some surprises, but the overall mystery remains vague and intact.
THE NUN (September 7th, Warner Brothers)
The Skinny: The Conjuring spin-off finally makes a big splash. There’s not a whole lot to say here except that it looks solid. I am a HUGE fan of director Corin Hardy’s previous movie The Hallow, which is a gothic-horror fairytale. His sensibilities in that film, and ability to build atmosphere and frights. are at such a high level already and he’s just starting his career! High hopes for this.
Spoiler Alert: A big one at the end. But it’s worth it!
The Skinny: Low and behold, looks like they didn’t push this one. Genre writer/producer Stephen Susco makes his directorial debut here, having written The Possession, the first two American Grudge entries, and (ugh) Texas Chainsaw 3D. I’ll pretend I don’t know that stuff. From the looks of the trailer, this sequel is leaning away from the supernatural and into the seedy underbelly. I think it looks preposterous, but the early word from SXSW was positive and I really enjoy the first movie, so sign me up.
Spoiler Alert: I feel like we’ve seen too much from this, but with the movie out in just a month they kinda had to sell this thing hard and show off the goods. I watched it once, hope not to see it again.
MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT (July 3rd, Uncork’d Ent.)
The Skinny: So I guess this is somewhere between a home invasion movie and a slasher? Somehow that is NOT Kane Hodder in the Bane mask. Hey…girl on the right is Rachel Dratch in a Lecter mask, guy on the left is Pee-Wee Herman wearing Vega’s mask, right? Kids get slaughtered. Nothing to see here. Well, except for Richard Greico looking HAGGARD and with what has to be a weave. Also, Bill Mosely. And a Baldwin brother. Pass.
Spoiler Alert: None.
SEARCHING (August 3rd, Screen Gems)
The Skinny: If you haven’t seen a trailer for this yet, this is the one to see. Short, sweet, tantalizing. Like Unfriended and Open Windows, this movie unfolds entirely on a screen using various forms of media. Heard mostly positive stuff from the festivals this played, looks tense and intimate. This is a debut feature for Aneesh Chaganty, and I sense good things to come. Looking forward to it.
Spoiler Alert: Actually, no! This one is more of a teaser than the previous trailer was, and gives you a perfect taste of what to expect without giving anything away. Watch on!
THE MEG (August 10th, Warner Brothers)
The Skinny: This is a much more Statham-forward look at the giant shark movie, and I’m okay with that. This movie has been delayed and talked about for so long now that I don’t have a ton of interest in the movie anymore…but that scene of the beast in a feeding frenzy looks like fun. My guess here is that there are more than one of these, or maybe it keeps growing, because it looks like the shark changes size numerous times in here.
Spoiler Alert: A lot more footage than the American trailer, most of it with an bald, angry Brit. I don’t feel like the entire movie’s been spoiled yet, but again this shows a bunch more. Proceed with caution.
BOARDING SCHOOL (August 31st, Momentum/eOne)
The Skinny: What if Professor X was a dick…alright, I guess the kids aren’t mutants. Outcasts, I guess? “Freaks,” as they’re called? I get tones of Suspiria and Lucky McKee’s little-seen The Woods here. Boaz Yakin has a handful of good credits to his name (along with some bad ones), but I always remember him as the guy who was trying to get a Batman Beyond movie made. Looks like a decent flick, the misfits uprising against the oppressor and all of that.
Spoiler Alert: Mild. I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here, so I think it’s safe to proceed.
TAU (June 29th, Netflix)
The Skinny: Maika Monroe trapped in a house with a malevolent A.I. voiced by Gary Oldman? Done. See you soon, Netflix. This is the debut feature from Federico D’Alessandro, a longtime artistic collaborator for the Marvel Cinematic Universe among many other genre flicks. This LOOKS amazing, cinematically. High hopes for a little gem here.
Spoiler Alert: Yeah, there’s probably a bit or two too much. I’d recommend just watching the movie in a few days!
SUPERMAX (June 28th, Shudder)
The Skinny: Here’s a unique one: a 12 episode Brazilian series from 2016 that’s going to be available exclusively on Shudder later this week. That looks like Edie Falco on the right, but I assure you it’s not. It looks like there was a variation/remake of this premise again in 2017, also from Brazil, as a 10 episode series. No word if that’s in the pipes for Shudder or not as well, but this one looks strange and solid. Maximum security prisoners slowly realize that they’re not just stuck in here for a stay, they’re stuck in here AND about to fight to survive from lord knows what. A cult? Zombies? Who knows. Crazy visuals in there towards the end. Interested to find out what this is all about.
Spoiler Alert: Definitely not. I have no idea what’s going on, but it looks cool.
THE DOMESTICS (June 29th, Orion Classics)
The Skinny: HOLY. SHIT. Post-apocalypse thrills that feel like The Warriors met The Strangers and Mad Max. Showdown in the suburbs, baby! Where did this movie come from? Why isn’t it in theaters?? Who cares, it’s on demand THIS FRIDAY! I can’t wait. Lance Reddick fucking owns!
Spoiler Alert: Surprises galore, but they aren’t really in context. Plus I have a feeling this is just a taste of the insanity in store.
THE NIGHT EATS THE WORLD (July 13th, Blue Fox)
The Skinny: I’m not a big pull quotes kinda guy, but when it’s touting the “most innovative zombie movie since Shaun of the Dead”…well I’m skeptical, let’s be honest. For one, The Girl With All the Gifts already innovated the zombie genre a little over a year ago…but I digress.This looks like it has an indie sensibility to the zombie genre, and in look and tone it feels similar to 28 Days Later. In my book, that’s a good thing. This is on my radar now.
Spoiler Alert: Don’t think so. Pretty vague in terms of a bigger picture beyond “this is a zombie movie.”
OFFICE UPRISING (July 19th, Sony Crackle)
The Skinny: Another entry into the “workplace massacre” horror trope. Crackle’s movie appears to me more in line with Bloodsucking Bastards than The Belko Experiment or Mayhem. Definitely silly, definitely lots of energy drink “zombies,” lots of cartoonish violence. Looks juvenile, but fun. Jane Levy is usually a go for me, like that girl a lot.
Spoiler Alert: Too brief to do much damage, but avoiding surprises may be where some of the fun lies here. It’s a violent office comedy, you get it. No need to watch in order to determine if this is for you or not.
THE DEVIL’S DOORWAY (July 13th, IFC Midnight)
The Skinny: This one looks unique. A found footage movie with a vintage look of a 35mm print, this demonic possession flick takes place in the 60’s and looks pretty damn authentic. Only thing I’ve seen attempt something like this is Operation Avalanche (great) and Apollo 18 (which I enjoyed, not a popular opinion, I’m aware). Definitely on board, looks fairly intense!
Spoiler Alert: There’s a jump scare or two that I think would work even better in the film, and may very well still. But you’ve been warned.
That’s all I’ve got. Did I miss anything this week that should be on our radars? Let me know in the comments, and I’ll see you in a week or two.