[PODCAST] Episode 87: ‘ZOMBIE’
Andy Triefenbach and Roger Henderson sit down to talk about October’s Late Nite Grindhouse pick, Lucio Fulci’s Zombie.
Show Notes
What We’ve Been Watching
Roger: All About Evil, Vampire’s Kiss
Andy: Werewolf by Night, The Munsters (2022)
Main Topic: Lucio Fulci’s ZOMBIE
Andy Triefenbach
Andy Triefenbach is the Editor-in-Chief and owner of DestroytheBrain.com. In addition to his role on the site, he also programs St. Louis' monthly horror & exploitation theatrical midnight program, Late Nite Grindhouse. Coming from a household of a sci-fi father and a horror/supernatural loving mother, Andy's path to loving genre film was clear. He misses VHS and his personal Saturday night 6 tape movie marathons from his youth.

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