Just as the recent rumors have indicated, it seems David Fincher is going in the direction of a smaller movie star for the upcoming remake of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. The speculating to whom the lead female role of Lisbeth Salander can finally come to a close. Who was the actress that impressed the acclaimed director of Se7en, Fight Club, and Zodiac?
Read on for more.
Rooney Mara will be Lisbeth for the upcoming role in Fincher’s take on the Swedish novel. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is the murder mystery that has been on the tip of every one’s tongue this past year. In the book, Lisbeth is a pierced and tattooed, boyish outsider who works for a security company. Her life takes some twists and turns, when she is assigned to investigate reporter Mikael Blomkvist. It is already been announced that Daniel Craig will be filling the shoes of the reporter. Rooney Mara’s previous films include the recent Nightmare on Elm Street remake and the upcoming (David Fincher movie) The Social Network. Though many felt her quiet and introverted portrayl of Nancy in Nightmare was boring and stale (that was the least of that film’s problems), I felt it was a different take on the typical high school girls seen in films today. Critics of her will have to see how she fares in The Social Network later this year. Based on the fact that production on the film is supposed to begin just after Labor Day, it seems that David Fincher as well as Sony Pictures made there decision just in time.
You can catch the original Swedish film adaptation on DVD now. We have included the Netflix link to add it to your queue or to stream it. We are nice like that.