Check Out the Skin-Crawling 9 Minute NSFW Short Film from David Cronenberg
Back in April, a trailer became public promoting David Cronenberg’s novel, coming out in September, called Consumed. The trailer showed snippets of a half-naked woman on a exam table in what looked like a garage. The trailer showed short clips that would fade in and fade out as the woman talked to a doctor, played by Cronenberg, about removing her left breast to let insects out who have created a nest inside. A few days ago, the International Film Festival Rotterdam, who is hosting “David Cronenberg – The Exhibition”, posted the full 9 minute short titled The Nest online, which will only be available until September 14. You can find more info on the exhibit here. Check out the short below. Below the short, I have also included the original trailer as well as a link to Amazon to purchase the book.[youtube id=”cp8IU1PcThQ” width=”600″ height=”350″]Trailer for ‘Consumed’
[youtube id=”zpr-C4FZgRI” width=”600″ height=”350″]