A Teaser for the Teaser for ‘EVIL DEAD’
Look, I know some of you probably watched that bootleg of the teaser for the Evil Dead remake. Rumors were going around for the past week that the teaser would be released on Halloween day. However, it looks like we are getting Halloween a week early. There are some snippets of footage in this teaser for the teaser that will get you rabid deadites going. I’m usually not a fan of these teasers for the official teaser but lets face it. It’s October, you are in the mood plus I think the footage (from what I could see and what has been leaked) looks great.
[youtube id=”jzaZlUpBJv4″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
For good measure, here is the panel from New York Comic Con as well:
[youtube id=”bczyZnCDJ2w” width=”600″ height=”350″]