Check Out Gameplay Footage from FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE GAME!!
Originally called Summer Camp, the folks at Gun Media scored the Friday the 13th license and got involvement from Kane Hodder, Sean S. Cunningham and even bring back composer Harry Manfredini. They evolved their game from the ground up into Friday the 13th: The Game.
Full disclosure, I backed this game on Kickstarter. I dig the franchise quite a bit, like most of you do, so it was a no-brainer for me. I received an email last night stating that they would live-stream some Early Alpha gameplay footage. However, as someone who works a day job, it was past my bedtime for a Sunday night. Luckily, it looks like Gun Media has uploaded the footage on their YouTube channel. Check it out below:
Ok, excuse me for a second…
Seriously, you can tell that this was made with love and by people who have a genuine love for the franchise. While I would love a new entry, this will tide us over (if not suppress our need for another film). Everything about the clip above just makes me so damn happy. The only thing that I was personally upset about is not knowing (which was a fault of my own) about voting for the different looks of Jason and what won (Jason’s look from Jason Goes to Hell and Jason Takes Manhattan were among the 3 extra looks). Manfredini’s score is so effectively used in this clip along with Pamela Voorhees’ motivational taunts for Jason to “hunt them down”. I’m taking a couple of days off work when this comes out!