![[REC]3 Still](https://www.destroythebrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/recgenesis083111-e1316451114472.jpg)
[REC]3: Genesis English Teaser Trailer Unleashed
A couple of days ago, the Spanish Teaser Trailer for [REC]3: Genesis leaked out. Now, it looks like Filmax – the production company – was kind enough to create a English subbed version as well as include English titles at the beginning. That was very nice of them. Here at DTB, we are huge fans of the [REC] films. I know I am at least welcoming the change from the apartment to the outside world. You may remember that [REC]3: Genesis is directed by one of the co-directors of [REC] & [Rec] ², Paco Plaza. Jaume Balagueró will be directing [REC]4: Apocalypse.
[youtube id=”LqPd0vpcb1o” width=”600″ height=”350″]
The action in REC Genesis encompasses the events of the first two films and after the sense of claustrophobia previously experiences. The action now takes place miles away from the original location and partly in broad daylight giving the film an entirely fresh yet disturbing new reality. The infection has left the building. In a clever twist that draws together the plots of the first two movies this third part of the saga also works as a decoder to uncover information hidden in the first two films and leaves the door open for the final installment the future REC Apocalypse.