What’s Blacker than Black Sabbath? LA Band Black Prism
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Like San Fransisco’s Orchid, LA band, Black Prism, are the latest up and comers to seamlessly capture the 1970’s acid infused doom rock of Black Sabbath. Due out on a 7″ on August 31st, Black Prism’s debut single, ‘Satan’s Country’, truly sounds like a long-lost Sabbath track, and will chomp it’s way into your black metal heart faster than you can say “Fairies Wear Boots”. According to their bio, Black Prism has only been active for about a year, and expect to release their first full-length sometime in 2014. You can pre-order Satan’s Country, which also features a bonus exclusive-to-vinyl track, ‘Yrtnuoc S’natas’, for $6.66. You can also download Satan’s Country for free over at Easy Rider Record’s Soundcloud page. Lastly, be sure to check out the NSFW video for Satan’s Country, which as is as visually throwback-y as the bands stoner vibe.