Time to Nut Up or Shut Up! ‘ZOMBIELAND: DOUBLE TAP’ Trailer is Here!
Honestly, it’s hard to believe that it has been 10 years since we have seen the gang from 2009’s Zombieland. Unless you are counting that Amazon pilot back in 2013 for Zombieland: The Series. The trailer has arrived and, honestly, it looks like a lot of fun with all the same characters and the same actors reprising their roles from the first one. Director Ruben Fleischer comes back to the director’s chair and even the original writers who have written the two Deadpool movies are back. Looks like a good reunion to me. Enough of my blabbing, let’s watch the trailer.
I’m in. While it looks more or less the same thing we got a decade ago, I remember having a blast with the original film. Also, the bit and the end of the trailer is pretty damn gold.