‘THE LORDS OF SALEM’ Trailer Asks You to Welcome and Worship It
Regardless of some of the mixed reviews I read following the film’s premiere at TIFF last year, I was completely on board with Rob Zombie’s new film after watching the first trailer. The striking imagery and operatic music seems to hint at the rocker turned director hanging up his hillbilly horror mantel and testing his hand at a more Roman Polanksi meets Ken Russell vibe. The Lords of Salem still stands as a horror film I’m anxiously looking forward to but my excitement may have waned quite a bit after just watching the second official trailer for the film. Much like the first one, this new trailer is filled with some dark and devilish imagery, however, the new one lacks a sense of sophistication and seems to display more of a direct-to-video film. Are you willing to give praise to the Lords? We’ll have to see when all is revealed on April 19 when Lords of Salem will get a limited theatrical release.
You can check out the new trailer and new poster below.
[youtube id=”Y606RoSur8o” width=”600″ height=”350″]