Check Out The Trailer For ‘RINGU’ Director’s New Horror Film ‘THE COMPLEX’
Japanese horror legend Hideo Nakata has made a name for himself with horror fans from around the world with Dark Water and Ringu. Both of those films spawned American remakes and opened the floodgates for a HUGE wave of Asian horror films like One Missed Call, Pulse, and The Eye – just to name a few. The Japanese filmmaker has remained strangely distant from horror and dabbled in other genres in recent years. It could be that he was simply waiting for the right project to come along. Maybe the active director will find another hit with his new tale of horror. Check out the synopsis and trailer for The Complex below. Who wants to take a bet to see how long it takes Hollywood to remake this?
Nursing student Asuka (Atsuko Maeda) has just moved into a row of aging apartment buildings with her parents and younger brother. On the first night in her new room, she is awakened by a strange scratching sound coming from the apartment of her neighbor, a reclusive old man who has refused all attempts at communication. Concerned over his well-being, Asuka enters his home, only to find him dead from malnutrition. Worse, it looks as if he had been trying to claw his way into her room. When the late-night scratching returns, she nervously ventures back next door, only to come face to face with an apparition of the old man.
Asuka soon learns that there have been many strange deaths in the complex over the years. Hoping to rid herself of the evil surrounding her, she seeks help from a spiritualist, and signs soon point to the danger being rooted in events in a past as tragic as the one Asuka lives in denial of.
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