To this day I am still surprised how mainstream zombies have become. Currently there are four television shows and more movies churned out in the last decade than any one person could ever hope to watch. With more titles than a herd of Walkers, filmmakers need to insure their title can stand out from the pack. Along shambles Pride and Prejudice and Zombies hoping to bite a piece out of the box office. But is it memorable?
A mysterious plague has ravaged 19th Century England. Mr. Bennett (Charles Dance) has been training his five daughters their whole life for combat. But Mrs. Bennett (Sally Phillips) is worried about her daughter’s future and wants to marry them all off to wealthy suitors. Daughter Elizabeth (Lily James) lays eyes on Mr. Darcy (Sam Riley) at a party and seems quite taken with him. Of course it can’t be that easy because of Social norms and flesh devouring ghouls.
Lily James (Downton Abbey) holds the screen well as the strong willed and lethal Elizabeth. Bella Heathcote as Jane is good with what little she is given. But the other three sisters are indistinguishable. Sam Riley’s Mr. Darcy is rather bland, not sure if that is a character trait or performance.
It should come as little surprise that I’ve never read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice or seen any film adaptations. And I had no interest when PnPnZ was published. I have read author Seth Grahame-Smith’s previous book How to Survive A Horror Movie. I recommend that to anyone who enjoys the genre. The general idea of taking a classic [also public domain] story and adding zombies and Kung Fu is somewhat clever. Grahame-Smith’s book spawned a wave of mashups with literature. The zombies are of the fast moving variety and quite the talkers. Yet they are void of all personality. The best zombie movies have at least one memorable muncher. I suppose makeup was satisfied that the Regency costumes would provide enough personality. Zombies are nothing more than set decoration. There are no surprises to be found.
I have no doubt that PnPnZ was filmed with the intent of being PG-13. I have come around on the rating for Horror. Insidious, The Final Girls, and Krampus made me a believer that PG-13 can still deliver the goods. But what’s the point of a zombie movie when you can’t see Mr. Darcy bash a head in with his boot? There are some gruesome bits to sate bloodlust, but little payoff for gorehounds.
The only bright moments in the film is when Austen’s words are juxtaposed against what’s happening on screen. The Bennett girls sparring in the morning is fun and refreshing for someone who would fall asleep during a BBC period drama. Elizabeth’s confrontation with Mr. Darcy is the standout scene. Why couldn’t this have been a mash up of Jane Austen and Martial Arts?
I would not be surprised if PnPnZ rakes in the dough. I just hope cinemas aren’t flooded with a glut of these movies. Not sure I could handle Little Vampire Women and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Undead.