A Second More In-Depth Blu-ray of ‘Drive’ Planned for Fall ’12
For those excited about an in-depth look at one of the most talked about films of 2011, Drive, unfortunately you are going to have to settle for a more bare-bones release for now. It was previously announced that the DVD and Blu-ray of the film will be available to own on January 31, 2012. Now, that release does have a handful of featurettes (“I Drive”, “Under The Hood”, “Driver and Irene”, “Cut To The Chase”) and an interview with the director Nicolas Winding Refn in addition to the film. However, Refn reveals in a new interview with Hollywood News that a second “more definite release” of the film is planned for next fall. I hope you fans like to double-dip, cause your wallet is going to get a work-out if you want to own the ultimate Blu-ray of Drive. Continue reading the below excerpt from the interview to read what I’m talking about.
HollywoodNews.com: Can we expect a commentary track on the Blu-ray or DVD?
Yes, and in fact, the edition that will be in stores in January doesn’t hold the secrets, nor the answers, so hopefully there will be a more definite release in the near future. That’s not to say that the one that is being released is bad, because it has the movie on it, which is the most important thing. But for people like myself, who have a huge interest in Blu-rays … I mean, I’m a Blu-ray fanatic. I think it is the world’s greatest invention since the wheel. The version that will answer more questions is in the process of being made.
HollywoodNews.com: When do you think we might see that version?
Hopefully in the fall.
HollywoodNews.com: Can you give me any specifics as to what some of those answers might be on this beefed-up Blu-ray release?
Now that is for me to know and you to find out. [Laughs] I will tell you later.
Why do studios have to do this? Oh . . . that’s right . . . GREED. Take this info and do with it what you like. I’m personally on the fence now knowing that a better version is around the corner. What are your thoughts?
Below is the cover for the January Blu-ray of the film. For those thinking that there might be something off about that cover, you are correct. No where in the film is the jacket shown to EVER have a smaller scorpion stitched on the front of the jacket in the top corner. It is only on the back. Yet, another reason to avoid this version.
Source: Hollywood News