Watch the Alternate Opening of John Carpenter’s ‘HALLOWEEN’
Happy Halloween everyone! John Carpenter’s Halloween is my favorite film of all time. Recently, it has been celebrated via a new 35th Anniversary Blu-Ray (which I will breakdown a review soon) as well as Fright-Rags releasing a special package (unboxing video soon) and Mondo putting out the soundtrack on vinyl. It has been a good year for fans of the film. Sadly, one of the many things missing in the new Blu-Ray is footage that was found long ago. While I originally planned to do a full write up on why I think this is wrong, I didn’t want to delay showing the video that was released today by Billy Kirkus – the man who found the original negatives of tests, outtakes and deleted scenes.
Enjoy the first take of the iconic Steadicam shot for the film. You’ll notice there are some differences, mainly the couch shot.
From the Vimeo page:
This is the first take of the opening to Halloween. This was the first time they tried shooting it, without the cuts that they did in take number 2. They only shot this whole scene twice. Notice all of the blue in the picture…completely toned down for the recent release of the movie on Bluray. Want to see more of the “Unseen Halloween?” Contact Trancas International Films and tell them you want to see the “Unseen Halloween.” Very Special Thanks to James G. Chandler and of course the wonderful Don May, Jr and Synapse Films.
[vimeo id=”78233743″ width=”600″ height=”350″]