‘TURBO KID’ Directors Return with A Nostalgic Serial Killer Film Called ‘SUMMER OF ’84’
I was a huge fan of Turbo Kid. So much so that I had to bring it to Saint Louis to show it in front of our Late Nite Grindhouse crowd. There was so much heart and soul put into that film that I knew the directing group, RKSS, would be around for awhile and I couldn’t wait to see what they would bring us next. Well, the answer is Summer of ’84. Check out the trailer below.
Summer, 1984: The perfect time to be 15 years old and free. But when neighborhood conspiracy theorist Davey Armstrong begins to suspect his police officer neighbor might be the serial killer all over the local news, he and his three best friends begin an investigation that soon turns dangerous.
As a sucker of serial killer films and a child of the 80’s, this just shot up to the top of my “WANNA SEE IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW” list. The film will be premiering at Sundance later this month and we cannot wait to hear the buzz on this one!