The Third and Final Trailer for ‘THE DARK KNIGHT RISES’ is Epic in Story and Scope
It seems that each subsequent film by Christopher Nolan is met with more and more anticipation. With that also comes so many expectations from admiring fans and critics. There’s something to be said for a director whose name is almost as instantly recognizable as the character whom he rebooted on to film only seven years ago. And not just any character at that. Batman has been a cultural figure for over 70 years and still holds an unblinking and engaging trance on people all over the world. However, the fact that The Dark Knight Rises is yet another Batman film is not what excites many of us. If that was the case, Batman comics would be flying off the shelves daily by even those who don’t read comics, the many forms of the cartoons would be some of the most acclaimed and popular television shows (though I will argue the one animated series comes very close), and all of the Batman films would have made the amount of money that The Dark Knight did during its theatrical run ($1,001,921,825 worldwide!). What I’m getting at here is the simple fact that much of the success of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy – which sadly is coming to a close – should be attributed to the director himself. Yes, he has had some phenomenal writers, artists, and actors who have all contributed to making this world of Gotham City the most dense, rich, and engrossing yet. But it takes a talented director to mix all of these ingredients together. While watching the new and final trailer, I couldn’t help but admire the artistry on display. Much like the previous two films, The Dark Knight Rises isn’t just something to appease the geek community. The film looks to convey a mood and a story that is relatable to even those who are the most cynical towards superhero films. I had my doubts in the past few months that The Dark Knight Rises wasn’t going to reach the bar that Nolan had raised with The Dark Knight. It was a film that fans loved and critics awarded with several Oscar nominations including one acting win as well. The new trailer puts my mind at ease. Like the creepy and profound shot of the small children on the school-bus looking out into the distance seen in this new trailer, I too find myself looking out into the future waiting and hoping for July 20th to come.
[youtube id=”g8evyE9TuYk” width=”600″ height=”350″]