Sundance Chiller ‘THE BABADOOK’ Gets Snatched Up for Distribution
We previously posted about the boogeyman film The Babadook. Funny name, I know. However, I have heard nothing but good things about this flick and that it packs some scares that freaked out some hardened horror fans. I’m really looking forward to this one and now we have some information about its upcoming release.
The Hollywood Reporter posted that IFC Midnight has acquired U.S. and Latin American rights to Jennifer Kent’s psychological horror film The Babadook, which had debuted in the Midnight Section at the Sundance Film Festival.
“This is an extraordinary debut feature from a brilliant Australian filmmaker named Jennifer Kent who has crafted the perfect classic horror film. We were blown away by the two lead performances in the film, and we believe that people will see this film and realize that Jennifer Kent has arrived as one of the great new horror filmmakers,” Jonathan Sehring, president of Sundance Selects/IFC Films, said.
We will keep you posted once we get more information about its release.
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