ST. LOUIS: Win Passes to an Advance Screening of HARDCORE HENRY
Hardcore Henry (originally called Hardcore but they probably didn’t want to get mixed up with that George C. Scott film) will be out in theaters on April 8th. This film has been on my radar for sometime thanks to the director’s magnificent “Bad Motherfucker” music video. I held out hopes that it would show at my favorite film festival, Fantastic Fest, and even included it in the past 2 years of our guess posts but alas, no show. However, I’m super excited that it is getting a wide release after premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival and showing at other film festivals this past winter. I’m even more stoked that we have passes to give away for our readers to check it out a couple of days before it comes out. Be sure to read all the rules and check out the trailer before entering.
Also, one lucky attendee will win a GoPro Silver at this screening!