Pull Up a Stool and Have a Drink With the Trailer and Five New Stills from ‘LAWLESS’
Lawless has a fantastic director behind it with John Hillcoat (Proposition, The Road). Then you have an equally talented cast with Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain and Guy Pearce. If all those names don’t give you a buzz, just watch the trailer for this new film following a band of bootlegging brothers during the prohibition. Surprisingly, this first trailer for the film reveals quite a lot of the story. One of the things that also comes across in the trailer and is what I loved about Hillcoat’s The Proposition: the attention to detail. For people unfamiliar with the Aussie director, just watch the first ten minutes of the gritty western The Proposition and see if you aren’t blown away by the sound design and intensity of the opening scene. Lawless, formerly known as The Wettest County, opens August 31. Enjoy five new stills and the trailer below.
[youtube id=”csLbNO5cYSM” width=”600″ height=”350″]
Photo Source: Rope of Silicon