Previously Posted Kickstarter Projects: Where Are They Now?
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UPDATED: March 3, 2015
Other websites choose not to post about certain genre Kickstarter projects because of the accessibility it gives to aspiring and even established directors. Some view it as a “handout”, I don’t feel that way. Horror has always felt very communal to me. Fans of the genre stick together through thick or thin. There are success stories and there are also horror stories of the platform and rarely do genre sites post follow up posts about the Kickstarter projects they post after the deadline passes. In this post, I revisit all of the projects we posted on the site (some of them, I personally backed).
This list is organized in the order of when we posted about the projects:
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funded on July 11, 2010.
While this project was successful, the last update I could find was from Harvest’s Facebook page on January 18, 2012:
HARVEST was submitted today to four NBC Universal channels to be considered as a TV series. Keep your fingers crossed!
Looks like while the funding was successful and the project was made, the project was shopped around to TV outlets to no avail. The funding was for the production of filming the pilot. It looks like backers received their DVDs and digital copies of the pilot. If you were not a backer, it looks like this will not be viewable until it gets greenlit into full production as, per the Kickstarter page:
Once the pilot episode is finished we will pitch the series to several contacts at both television and online networks until we get HARVEST picked up as a series.
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funded on April 2, 2012
Yep, the “Osama Bin Laden” zombie film. The Kickstarter page definitely exploited the OBL angle. While they didn’t hit their stretch goal, they hit their initial goal and the film is available on DVD via Amazon.com. Check out the cover:
The cover artwork doesn’t feature some of the artwork seen on the Kickstarter page, which can be a good thing – meaning bigger distribution. Looks like we can mark this one as a success.
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funded on May 12, 2012
This is the satirical film about the director and the making of the really bad film, The Creeping Terror. The stories about the making of this film and the subject were just itching to be made. Imagine a more bizarre sex-fueled, politically incorrect subject told in the style of Ed Wood.
The film is in the can and updates have been regular on their Kickstarter page. The film is screening this year and I believe will continue down a film festival path. A trailer has been posted on their website (www.creepfilm.com) which I have included below.
[vimeo url=”http://vimeo.com/83171904″]
Good job guys! Another successful Kickstarter story!
[youtube id=”52426108″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
You Are Not Alone
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funded on June 26, 2012
The last time I heard about this film was back in December when we posted the trailer. They released a poster that has a June 2013 date but that has passed with no release of the film. The last update that was posted on Kickstarter was June 15, 2013.
While this sounds like a lost cause, according to their Twitter account, a release is coming later this year. Here’s a tweet posted from their account.
Thanks @drewmarvick! Keep your eyes peeled for news about our release this summer! #notalonefilm #horror #slasher pic.twitter.com/LbYAkefDYR
— You Are Not Alone (@URNotAloneFilm) February 3, 2014
I’m not sure if that means that they got some sort of distribution deal or if they feel that releasing it closer to the 4th of July holiday, since the movie takes place on that day, will be a better release.
UPDATE (10/24/14) – The film is eyeing a July 2015 release. A new trailer appeared, which we reported on HERE.
[vimeo url=”http://vimeo.com/55382061″]
Red Red
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funded on June 26, 2012
This is a project that I personally backed, full disclosure. Photographer Ama Lea is someone whose work with Fangoria and her Bloody Best Project showed her love of the genre. She has since gone on to make M for Mermaid which was entered into the competition for ABCs of Death 2. While it didn’t get in, it did get selected for the VOD spin off of other “M” selections for ABCs of Death 1.5.
So, where does that leave this project? Your guess is as good as mine. The last update was June 3, 2013 on Kickstarter and it has been radio silence since then. I have contacted Ama 5 months ago when she asked for financial contributions for her Indiegogo campaign for M for Mermaid.
I still haven’t heard anything from Ama or Jade, who I assume was updating everyone on Kickstarter. Thinking maybe something was wrong on my end, I even double checked the updates section from Kickstarter and didn’t see anything. To add to that, other people are getting frustrated judging from the Comments section from Kickstarter.
Last month (actually a month to the day), I asked Ama on Twitter, what was going on. This is what I got back:
That week passed and nothing was posted. I’m assuming that she is submitting the short to some genre festivals for 2014. Festivals will not accept you if your film is readily available to people – which some consider Kickstarter campaigns as such. I’m fine with this. What I’m not fine with is the lack of communication. Sounds like the film wasn’t accepted for any genre festivals last year and the majority of genre festivals run towards the end of the year. That means that the backers might not be able to see this thing, if this is the case, until the end of 2014. Again, if this is the case, it is disappointing but not without reason.
We will update this post as this release develops.
UPDATE (4/8/14) – Never did receive that update in January 2014. However, they released an update today that claims that “Making Movies Can Take Years” that covers their post-production.
UPDATE (12/2/14) – Almost eight months later, conveniently after all the genre festivals are done, a public update is posted. Like I figured, they were trying to get into genre festivals but because their short nears the 30 minute mark, a lot of festivals don’t want to show it. Ama talks about also scraping another $10,000 to finish the film. Not only that, but the film was shown at the Jumpcut Cafe – while it still hasn’t been shown to the financial backers. They also claim “Also most rewards have gone out but we will try to get everything else to you as quickly as we can.” I haven’t received any communication to my reward. We still wait.
UPDATE (3/1/15) – The updates are coming out more frequently, which is a good thing. Again, Ama is sending the film out to festivals this spring. This tells me that the movie is shortened but this also tells me they are aiming for the big genre film festivals like Fantasia, Fantastic Fest, Stiges and others. This means that, more than likely, the financial backers won’t get to see the film until later this year. However, that does conflict with the statement of “For DVDS- this will include the shorter festival version only!!!! This is my cut and the preferred one that I, as the writer and director see as my vision.” Maybe Ama & the team will be sending the film along to the financial backers prior to any acceptance to any film festival.
[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvzZRoh1g90″]
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funded on September 29, 2012
Fan Kyle Kuchta wanted to document what it was like to attend horror conventions. Why do people attend conventions? Maybe even explore our psychosis. The film has been completed and even showed at Rock & Shock in 2013. In fact, right now you can view this film for free until February 28 at http://nuhofilmfest.com/fantasm.
[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FldDbqrPw7I”]
Comic Geeks
Original Post on DTB
Status: Not funded by May 31, 2013
Sadly, this local Kickstarter project didn’t reach its goal. It doesn’t look like that has fully stopped Brian & the gang. They keep putting updates on their Facebook page and they do have a pilot under their belt. As of last week, the pilot was shown at Wizard Comic Con in New Orleans. Don’t count these guys out yet!
The Visitant
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funded on May 23, 2013
Doug Jones in a horror movie just seems right add in the fact that Jon Heder from Napoleon Dynamite was involved, the project at the very least would be interesting. Granted, it is a short film but the concept looked strong. Luckily, the filmmakers hit their goal and have completed the film and as of yesterday, the link is available for backers. The videogame had a launch party yesterday as well and it looks like (as I didn’t back this project) that the game was sent to those backers who were in the tier to receive it.
No word yet on if it will be released to non-backers.
Original Post on DTB
Status: Not Funded by November 1, 2013
This one hurt me when it wasn’t fully funded. Sadly, Stuart Gordon & Jeffrey Combs couldn’t pull it off. Many said the budget was too large but in the grand scheme of things, I thought it was modestly priced. It is unknown if other avenues will be taken either by trying to seek private investors or maybe through Indiegogo. Either way, I hope something comes from this because this is an amazing story/play that I would love to see a film interpretation of.
Why Horror?
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funded on November 8, 2013
Much like Fantasm above, Tal Zimerman is a horror fan that, much like all of us, get asked the infamous question on “Why do you like Horror?” Well, Tal decided that he wanted to interview people in the industry to see why this genre is so appealing.
The project was a success. Tal is traveling with his crew around the world to get the answers we seek. No release is yet planned but the Kickstarter was only funded 4 months ago. We will keep everyone in the know once we know.
UPDATE (3/3/15) – The film has been completed and shown at festivals. Backers are receiving their DVDs. Non-backers that are curious on this project are still waiting to see how they can see this documentary.
Video Watchdog
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funding Cancelled on December 23, 2013
The project on Kickstarter was cancelled. At the time of cancellation, the goal was still far away and not in reach for the VW team. They relocated to Indiegogo and cut down the price they were asking for. On Kickstarter, they were asking for $147,900. On Indiegogo, they were only asking for $29,900, which they have gone past that asking goal. If you are asking why the asking price was drastically cut, all that was said was a private investor got involved. Therefore, we can only assume that the investor fronted the bill for the majority of the cost.
The project is set to be completed by then end of 2014.
In Residence
Original Post on DTB
Status: Funded on Jan 6
This is the most recent Kickstarter project we have posted so we don’t have a lot. Tim & Cody have already started production (damn that’s quick!) and they are posting BTS stuff via http://inresidencemovie.tumblr.com/.
UPDATE (3/3/2015) – The film is completed and is available for anyone with an internet connection to see for FREE! Click here to read our announcement post on this film.
We will update this page if any filmmakers contact us with updates.