Who, Who, Who is The Owlman?
You might have seen a few images featuring someone in an owl mask that might remind you of a creepier version of the costume from Michele Soavi’s Stagefright.
There is even a Omegle, which is pretty much Chat Roulette, compilation that features the Owlman scaring the shit out of some young people.
[youtube id=”uEUccIJQ3g0″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
At the end, you find out that this is a creature related to a film called Lord of Tears. Check out the trailer:
[youtube id=”rLBkxBO2jy0″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
Apparently, Owlman is based on local mythology. The trailer definitely gives a classic horror vibe in the same tone as something like The Wicker Man. Anything that gives me those types of vibes is automatically on my radar.
Turns out the film started as a Kickstarter project last March and is now out on Region Free Blu-Ray or DVD. This is a true independent film and in that fashion, you won’t find this film at Amazon or on any store shelves. The only way to get it is through their official website, which will get you a great looking digibook package including a soundtrack, artwork and other goodies, or via streaming the film through Distrify via their Facebook page. I hope to catch this one soon and I’ll be sure to report back with a review.