Michael Fassbender discusses Ridley Scott’s Inspiration for his Character in ‘PROMETHEUS’
David is the new android featured in Ridley Scott‘s sci-fi thriller Prometheus. We have come to know a little about the character through the endless amount of trailers, TV spots, and clips that have circulated and through a clever viral video that explained his understanding of human emotions (even if he can’t feel them). Sporting a startling blonde comb-over, Michael Fassbender – like all of his roles – seems to breathe an energy into the lifeless robot that falls in the footsteps of Lance Henrickson from Aliens. As preparation for the role, the actor reveals in a new interview with GQ magazine that the famous director asked him to watch three films: The Man Who Fell to Earth, Lawrence of Arabia, and The Servant. It’s not a stretch to see the physical similarities shared by the character of David and the outsider Peter O’Toole in Lawrence of Arabia; the blonde swoop and tan skin seems hauntingly similar. Not to mention the fact that the quote from many of the Prometheus trailers, “big things have small beginnings,” is a direct quote from the classic film. The Man Who Fell to Earth is mostly known for starring David Bowie as an alien who comes to Earth in this arthouse sci-fi flick from Nicolas Roeg. If you have never seen Roeg’s underrated horror film Don’t Look Now I would highly recommend correcting this immediately. Yet, the most unknown and odd of the three films is the 1963 film The Servant. The film is said to follow a servant named Hugo who begins to take over the life of his master Tony. Unlike the other two films, I have never seen it but am curious based on the company it keeps and its admiration by Ridley Scott.
The article – found in the current June issue of GQ – is an interesting read if you are a fan of the actor. I always find it interesting to hear from what inspires writers and directors to tell the stories they do. And right now, none are as fascinating to me more than hearing from the minds who made Prometheus. It’s a film that I have long been waiting for and can hardly believe the film is finally almost upon us. You can pick up the new GQ at newsstands and book stores today. If you really needed a reminder . . . Prometheus opens in the US on June 8.