Look at What’s in the Cellar in this First Photo from the ‘EVIL DEAD’ Remake!
It’s an understatement that fans of the series (often called deadites) were extremely scared when the news broke that an Evil Dead remake was officially off and running. And, rightfully so. Sam Raimi’s original is a classic in the horror genre that was followed by two just as celebrated and entertaining sequels. So it comes as a VERY pleasant surprise that the reactions for the first footage of the film from the New York Comic-Con this weekend have been nothing but positive. In fact, the audience erupted in maniacal laughter – similar to Bruce Campbell’s character Ash – at the first sound of a chainsaw at one point in the trailer. Descriptions of what was shown all seem to discuss the large amount of gore (which was apparently almost entirely practical effects) present in the film. A slit mouth, a boil covered arm, an amputated hand, a sliced tongue, and even the iconic tree sequence were the highlights of what many are describing as extremely brutal and intense. Before anyone jumps all over this and complains that they are missing the comedic elements present in the original films, you have to remind yourself: even if some of the scenes in the original may come across as slightly comical by today’s standards, Raimi’s initial film was by no means campy upon its initial release. I personally can’t wait to get a look at the footage. Which, rumors have it, that the poster and first trailer will be released on Halloween. Even though most of us didn’t get to see the footage shown to attendees at the NYCC, we can all be possessed by the first image from the Fede Alvarez directed remake included below along with the new logo. Evil Dead is set to be released April 12, 2013.
Source: EW.com