‘House Shark’ is the ‘Jaws’ Homage You Never Knew You Wanted
Director Ron Bonk, who has been in the B-Movie business since 1992 and was responsible for distributing some of St. Louis’ own Eric Stanze’s work onto VHS, is trying to get some money together to make an homage to Jaws called House Shark. Not to crib from the campaign of Pieces but, it’s exactly what you think it is. Sure, Burning Bright had a family trapped in a house with a tiger (Awesome flick, if you haven’t seen it) and even Bait, starring You’re Next’s Sharni Vinson, where people are trapped in a supermarket with a shark. House Shark is something entirely different. Instead of taking it seriously like the two previous movies I’ve mentioned, this one is going straight for the absurdity. Hear his pitch below:
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoL1ss0SHkA”]
Bonk has an IndieGoGo campaign where he is trying to raise $15,000 to get this film made, with a third of the budget being allocated to the shark itself and the gore effects and they are to be done by one of the best in the business, Marcus Koch – who has been responsible for American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore and We Are Still Here.
Here’s a trailer he cut together using some test footage:
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDVjuzzyE7o”]
With a little help from horror fans, we can make Bonk’s film a reality. Then you can say, you put money behind a movie where a shark is inside a fuckin’ house.
As an added bonus, check out the trailer for his latest film, She Kills:
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHAMDY1L4nA”]