Fassbender is Set to Star as the Time Traveling Killer in Adaptation of ‘ASSASSIN’S CREED’
Hopefully the upcoming adaptation of the popular game series Assassin’s Creed doesn’t follow the same path as recent failed video game movies Hitman, BloodRayne, and Prince of Persia. Variety is reporting that actor Michael Fassbender will star and co-produce an upcoming film version of the Ubisoft game. Fassbender’s recent fame since his star-making scene in Inglorious Basterds should help elevate the film to more than just a video game film. In the game series – which will continue this Oct. 30 with another sequel – a man in the future is kidnapped by a modern-day Knights Templar organization and sent through time to kill specific targets and retrieve artifacts and secrets. In the games, the main character of Desmond has traveled to fight in many historical battles including the Crusades in the original game all the way up to the Revolutionary War in the third game set to come out this fall. There’s no telling where we will be seeing Fassbender travel to in the upcoming movie. With the popularity of the game, the iconic killer has gone on to grace the pages of several graphic novels and has even been conceived in toy form by NECA. We’ve recently seen Fassbender’s fighting skills on display in the spy thriller Haywire and the Roman gladiator film Centurion. I’m sure it won’t be too big of a stretch to see him killing multiple foes in the role.
Source: Variety