Is Cannon Films Returning? Maybe.
Cannon. A name that means excellence in cinema history. Ok, maybe excellence isn’t the word. However, when I saw that logo or the Cannon name, I knew that I was at least due for a treat. After seeing Mark Hartley’s excellent documentary, Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films, it seems that there has been a spike in interest into the Cannon film history. While there is another documentary that we are waiting to see, one that probably paints the combination of Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus in a more positive light, news has been posted on the site, The Action Elite (boss name, gang), which was pulled from company portion of the Cannon Films website. It looks like this info has been on Cannon’s site since September or November.
Further investigation alludes that this information may have been published last year based off their Cannon’s Facebook. Take a look at the graphic below for films that are “in development”.
Just in case you are having a tough time reading some of these titles, here’s the list – complete with Facebook pages for the individual movie:
American Ninja Apprentice – Facebook Page
Writers Block
The Leopard Hunts At MidnightZombi: They Live – Facebook Page
Daniel Farson’s Curse – Facebook Page
U.S. Sniper
Return of the Delta Force
Allan Quatermain: Jewel of the East
You probably notice that three of those titles are related to previous Cannon films. Zombi: They Live seems to be a cash-in that would appeal to Italian cinemagoers and hardcore horror fans – Dawn of the Dead was titled Zombi in Italy and Lucio Fulci’s Zombi 2, unrelated to Romero’s film, was called Zombie in the States.
While there is a graphic showing films that Cannon has in development, take this with a grain of salt. Let’s not forget what Cannon did, they pre-sold films that were never made. At least the spirit is alive and once a film is in the can, you can bet that I’ll be the first one to purchase a ticket.