Before ‘EVIL DEAD’ Director Fede Alvarez Unleashed ‘MR. BIG BALLS’
Most people are aware of a short invasion film entitled Panic Attack! that garnered the attention of fanboys and studios alike a few years back. Constructing the entire short on a laptop, the undiscovered Uruguayan director Fede Alvarez produced one of the most talked about shorts to hit the internet in recent memory. But before Alvarez unleashed giant CGI robots,he and his writing partner made a short film that resembles more of the horror comedy style that might have been inspired by his future employer Sam Raimi. The project is called El Conjonudo (Mr. Big Balls) aka El Cojonudo: La Nunca Jamas Contada Historia De (The Never Ever Told Story of Mr. Big Balls), and the title is the least offensive element of this devilishly twisted short shot on 16mm. I won’t ruin anything more about what to expect – as the joy certainly comes from the shock-value of where it goes – just know that this is most definitely NSFW. That being said, I can’t imagine a better way to get in the mood for Evil Dead hitting theaters this week.
Just as a heads-up: Make sure to turn on the English subtitles by clicking the “CC” icon.
[youtube id=”a6KTk8GHJWs” width=”600″ height=”350″]