Bane Breaks the Bat in new ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Poster
The words adorning the new The Dark Knight Rises poster leaves a haunting impression in more ways than one. THE LEGEND ENDS. We all are now fully aware that this is director Christopher Nolan and star Christian Bale’s last venture into the seedy crime-ridden streets of Gotham City. Yet, it could also foreshadow an event in the comics that Batman fans have anticipated since the announcement of Bane as the film’s main villain. Is what transpired in the comic mini-series Batman:Knightfall going to be the structure of what The Dark Knight Rises will be based on? This poster seems to certainly hint at it, but we also know that Christopher Nolan isn’t as predictable as we may think. One thing is for certain: This poster is absolutely incredible!
The Dark Knight Rises flies into theaters July 20, 2012.
The terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, and pushes its hero Batman to breaking point and beyond.