And Yet Another Creepy ‘WOMAN IN BLACK’ Poster
I’ve seen so many effectively creepy images, trailers, and posters for Hammer’s gothic tale of ghostly terror that I just want the film to be here by now and be done with it. The media campaign behind The Woman in Black has done a fine job of getting me interested in the film but it seems like a new image or clip is around the corner ready to jump out at me every day. To some extent, I shouldn’t complain. The film ranks high on my anticipation meter and I have no doubt that this film will re-solidify Hammer Films as a talented studio to compete with even following its disappointing financial run with Let Me In. In a matter of weeks we will able to see if the film lives up to its atmospheric marketing. For now, enjoy a new poster clearly inspired by the work of Edward Gorey.
Updated: We have updated the earlier image with the final version of the poster.
For those of you that are curious if this poster will be available for purchase, we are currently being told it will be. Where it will be sold is still up in the air.