30 Second Teaser to the ‘PROMETHEUS’ Trailer
There is no doubt that for science fiction and horror fans that Ridley Scott’s return to the “genre he redfined” with Prometheus is one of the most highly anticipated films for 2012. The film has been shrouded in secrecy with some images leaking out to give us hints of what the story is about. While we have been told it is not a sequel to Alien per se, we have been told it fits in the same mythology. There are also hints of the mysterious Space Jockey from Alien showing up on set of Prometheus.
The official trailer for the film will premiere in three days on Apple but there is a 30 second teaser to the trailer that features brief flashes of the film mixed in with a on camera interview with Ridley Scott hinting at the “epic” scope of the film. This summer is going to be a crazy one between this film and Nolan’s conclusion of his Dark Knight trilogy.
[youtube id=”FQZ7BHt_COo” width=”600″ height=”350″]