‘American Psycho’ Remake on The Way? Nooo!
I quit! No, just messing with you. Let me first start off by saying that this news is even worse than hearing Pujols is leaving my beloved Cardinals. Lionsgate leaked news today that they are planning a remake of the cult hit film American Psycho (Which happens to be one of my nicknames- Ask Andy). This news puts a damper on my day because I can’t and don’t want to see it. I can’t see anyone else playing Patrick Bateman and releasing the classic lines “Be professional,” as well as Christian Bale. I would rather see them remake the very poor sequel that stared the lovely Mila Kunis then reboot the original effort. Well, we horror fans have no say (as of yet) on this and it looks like Lionsgate has hired Noble Jones (who?) to pen the script. What’s a better way to destroy a classic then to have it be written by the second unit director of The Social Network? I really hope Lionsgate decides to dump this project, but knowing them, they will push ahead. It is true that they could dig deeper into the context of the novel by doing a remake but most have never read the novel. As more news develops on this we will keep you informed, but for now I’m going to go play a game of dodge the cars in traffic!