Late Nite Grindhouse Presents ‘SLEEPAWAY CAMP II: UNHAPPY CAMPERS’ at Marcus Des Peres 14 Cine on July 12 & 13
Late Nite Grindhouse returns to its regular schedule after the cinematic drunkenness of All-Day Grindhouse III with a campy sequel to a camp slasher – Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers!
As campers learn of the grisly murders that terrorized their beloved Camp Arawak six years ago, their carefree days at summer camp come to an end.
Late Nite Grindhouse presents
“Sleepaway camp II: Unhappy Campers”
Friday, July 12nd
Saturday, July 13th
Admission: $10 | 10PM

Andy Triefenbach
Andy Triefenbach is the Editor-in-Chief and owner of DestroytheBrain.com. In addition to his role on the site, he also programs St. Louis' monthly horror & exploitation theatrical midnight program, Late Nite Grindhouse. Coming from a household of a sci-fi father and a horror/supernatural loving mother, Andy's path to loving genre film was clear. He misses VHS and his personal Saturday night 6 tape movie marathons from his youth.

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