[FANTASIA 2019] ‘PORNO’ Review

The staff of a heavily Christian movie theater in the early 90’s are about to have a staff-only, post-shift screening, which is going to be either Encino Man or A League Of Their Own. Before they can get there though, they have some trouble getting a creepy homeless man to leave the auditorium after the last showtime. Crazed and running around the lobby, the man bursts through a wall and disappears into a back room they never knew existed. Following after him, they discover it to be an old storage room that houses old prints, one of which is a canister with an unknown 35mm print. Clearly, they have to watch this. What begins as an artistic looking Italian classic turns into a strangely erotic scene of sacrifice filled with symbols and nightmare imagery. It’s cut short by a manager, but watching that much was enough to summon an evil entity…and the temptation brings them back.

The title really isn’t accurate as what the kids watch would more likely be classified as a snuff film, or erotic art cinema at the very least. But Porno is a better title, I get it. Director Keola Racela’s debut feature is a film that simultaneously takes itself too seriously and also not serious enough, in some sort of limbo. It tonally works fairly well, somehow. Somewhere between the religious extremism and the satanic, seductive succubus released into the theater is a happy middle ground of light comedy and gore-horror. The theme of sexual repression and sexual expression colliding is a pretty good background for a horror film, with both being a common theme in the genre through the 80’s and 90’s. The most obvious comparison is Lamberto Bava’s Demons, though the movie is quite tame in contrast. Not to say that Porno doesn’t get crazy with the gore, because it absolutely does. The practical effects from Esther Kim and company are really solid, with some nasty genital mutilation being part of the festivities.

Porno is a mixed bag movie that I partially really enjoyed. I really liked Jillian Mueller as Chaz, pretty sure she’s a star in the making (currently on Broadway). Most of the comedy is smirk worthy rather than leg slappin’, but everything is likable to some degree. The titular porno itself is a cool slice of colorful, emulated Italian horror cinema, and Raecela’s visuals are pretty great. I also really enjoyed the gel lighting whenever something eerie was afoot outside of the porno. I don’t know, there’s something kinda cool about a succubus taking out teenagers (and adults) in a movie theater, and this is the rare film set in the world of movies that isn’t really aimed at film geeks…which was honestly kinda refreshing. So there’s plenty of fun to be had here, and Porno is an enjoyable time
Unfortunately aside from playing at Fantasia 2019 there’s no word yet on any distribution, but keep an eye out!