[FANTASIA 2019] ‘FREAKS’ Review
Freaks is a movie best gone into blindly. In fact, the publicist reached out to me to ensure that I don’t give away much. I’d compare it to another film that has a similar concept, but that would give BOTH of the movies away. So how do I sell you on this? Hmm. The trailer is vague enough that it’s fairly safe to watch, but even that may be a tad too much. You see, part of the magic of what makes Zach Lipovsky and Adam B. Stein’s movie so engrossing and fascinating is the way in which it unfolds — pacing out revelations you will and won’t see coming in such a perfect way that it more than makes up for the faults. You simply have to see it…trust me, alright?
Okay, fine, here’s a little more.
Dad (Emile Hirsch) is a very protective father who won’t let his young daughter Chloe (Lexy Kolker) leave the house. Like, ever. Outside is a dangerous place, but from what she can see it’s fine…and every day there’s ice cream that pulls up right outside her house. Dad keeps promising he’ll get some, but Chloe is tired of waiting. Eventually she grows the courage to unlock the plethora of various deadbolts and door locks to go meet the truck. Mr. Snowcone (Bruce Dern) is a super friendly vendor with a bit of an hidden motive here, and this will in turn change Dad and Chloe’s lives forever.
Let’s start with the negative and get that out of the way: the scope here is a little grander than the budget. Effects are slightly shoddy due to those budget constraints, but they’re never terrible, and there’s a few clever workarounds. Even if something didn’t look convincing, the ideas are excellent and there was a nice surprise around the corner to win me back no matter what. The visual approach to the movie is very smart and economic for what they’re trying to accomplish, and Kolker and Dern are exceptionally good together.
Indeed this is a solid movie and a really, really fun experience. Somehow, some way, the director of the abysmal Leprechaun: Origins is redeemed! Praise Lipovsky…and Stein, too! Be sure to check this out as soon as you can, so someone else doesn’t give it all away.
Good news! In addition to playing at Fantasia 2019, Freaks will be released theatrically on September 13th from Well Go USA, with a VOD bow to follow shortly thereafter!