Is This a New Still from the new ‘FRIDAY THE 13TH’ Film or Something More Supernatural?
Ok, I’ll fully admit that the title of this post might be a bit clickbaity, but I wanted to make sure you read this one. Also, with the recent announcement that the next Friday the 13th entry might be found footage, this seems sort of fitting. Consider what I’m about to tell you as a campfire tale around the basking glow of your computer screen.
Turn off the lights.
Get closer.
Good? Ok, let’s begin.
A couple of days ago a young Michigan man posted on Reddit a very vague story about how he and his family went to a cabin in the woods. It already sounds like a bad idea but I assure you the man is alive. What he did do was take a panoramic picture on his iPhone to show his girlfriend where he was. Inside the picture is something peculiar.
From the Original Poster, Your-Doing-It-Wrong:
At my family’s cabin (about 7 of us) and everyone took about a 200 yard walk/hike to the neighbors house to hangout for a bit. About an hour after they left I took a panoramic picture to show my gf where I was.
I know it wasn’t any family because they didn’t come back until 3 hours later. There are tracks that lead from the woods, around the cabin and to that spot where he was standing. (I’ll post pics of that later)
When I originally looked at the picture, I didn’t see anything. However, I was looking on my phone so if you are viewing it that way, you might want to go to your actual computer. As soon as I hopped on my laptop, I saw it.
Here’s where the original file was hosted. I have included it below. Be sure to click on it for full resolution.
Do you see it? Let’s zoom in on the left portion of the screen.
See it yet? I’m sure you do. If not…well make it the focal point.
I have brightened the picture as best as I can without losing detail but since the original image is grainy, this is the best you’ll get.So, what the hell is it? The original poster has followed up with what he claims might be the ghost of an old hunter.
Update 1/26/14: sorry I’ve been late to reply and update. After all I was with family…
The following night we weren’t too alarmed mainly because others in the cabin didn’t believe the photo to be authentic, until this…..
After showing the photo to my cousin who’s cabin it is he went over to show the woman who’s husband passed away a few years back (the house they took a hike to) and they came to conclusion it was probably “a ghost” of the man because in the winter he would go rabbit hunting all suited up then come back inside carrying his rifle and catch.
They also compared photos of him and him hunting and that definitely shows a resemblance in his posture/outline. So that explains the bulky looking clothing; his hunting gear and it’s possible the object in his hand was him carrying his rifle. (Imagine him holding it from the top down by his waist, barrel point forward, stock of the rifle in the rear. Aimed slightly up or down. Which is why he looks to be holding a knife.
Edit: as for people saying you see headlights, it’s a light on top of a big phone pole that overlooks the wood pile outside.
It doesn’t look like a gun per se but it definitely looks like some sort of object. Also, there is no doubt that there is someone there. What do you think? If you want to know the final outcome, stay tuned to the post