MESSED UP PUZZLES Are The Puzzles Your Mother Would Warn You About
I’ll admit that I never thought that I would hold a puzzle based on Cannibal Holocaust, The Beyond or let alone the puzzle from Pieces but 2019 wanted to surprise me. Messed Up Puzzles has teamed up with Grindhouse Releasing to release their first three puzzles in one messed up collection of collector’s items.
After decades of leaving their imprint on grindhouse screens and basement TVs, three beloved horror and exploitation classics are now springing to new life in jigsaw form. CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, PIECES, and THE BEYOND have been torn, hacked, and gouged into 1000-piece jigsaw puzzles, courtesy of Messed Up Puzzles.
This first series of collector’s edition puzzles is officially licensed from Grindhouse Releasing co-founder and Academy Award-winning film editor Bob Murawski. “This is one of the coolest products we’ve been involved with,” says Murawski. “A beautiful, high-quality collectible, dripping with delirious details.”
Created by horror fans and jigsaw puzzle junkies who were sick to death of the bloodless landscapes and placid, airbrushed critters that grace so many puzzles, these NSFW boxes full of unassembled artwork should come as a blood-soaked relief to like-minded deviants.
Each Messed Up Puzzle features nothing but the goods. A decorative, removable obi wraps each box, but the puzzles themselves are just eye-popping film art without titles, credits, or any other cheats; unless where noted.
First in the collection is Ruggero Deodato’s controversial, oft-banned CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, which is now available as The Mother of all Cannibal Movie Jigsaw Puzzles, torn into 1000 profane, appalling, soul-scarring, vile, damnable, repulsive, gut-munching pieces. This one goes all the way, featuring art by Rick Melton made especially for the Grindhouse Releasing Blu-ray special edition.
Next up is (of course) PIECES. It’s exactly what you think it is: the infamous, blood-stained jigsaw puzzle that spawned the grindhouse classic. 1,000 pieces of filth that your mom does not want you putting together, and featuring the same naughty puzzle art that opens the film, courtesy of director Juan Piquer Simon.
Rounding out the series is a jigsaw puzzle that will gouge your eyes out: Lucio Fulci’s THE BEYOND. The dreaded gateways to Hell are concealed in these 1000 cursed pieces, fashioned from art by Jerry Martinez commissioned for the 1998 theatrical release by Grindhouse Releasing.
Messed Up Puzzles states that there is more in store for 2019 so I guess we should get cracking on assembling these.