The Wicked Pixel Rockshow is TONIGHT at The Duck Room at Blueberry Hill!
As someone who is a horror fan that lives in St. Louis, it was only inevitable that I would come across Wicked Pixel Cinema. My history of the local company goes back to high school when my drama teacher showed me her scene in Savage Harvest. She wouldn’t show the rest of the film but I knew the local video store supported the local movie studio’s work so I rented Savage Harvest along with The Fine Art on VHS. I was fascinated that someone local could make films and get them released in video stores. This was a time where VHS, especially genre films on VHS, would sell regardless. The product was in demand. I then explored the distributor, Sub Rosa (known then as Salt City) via b-movie.com. I later started buying some VHS tapes from Ron Bonk’s company like Strawberry Estates and the latest entry at the time from Wicked Pixel, Scrapbook. Scrapbook was on a different level than Savage Harvest, I knew then what true independent cinema was. While I knew Wicked Pixel didn’t have ties to Hollywood, I realized with Scrapbook that it didn’t have to play nice like other films did. It could be dirty, grimy and unrelenting. This was also around the time I started getting into more extreme cinema and found Italian cannibal films, which then led me down the path of Fulci, Argento and Bava. My bottom line here, as this should just be a “hype post” for tonight’s event, is that I still believe that I owe Wicked Pixel some gratitude for giving me breadcrumbs to lead me down different, unpopular paths of the horror genre.
If you live in St. Louis, not only should you know about Wicked Pixel Cinema, you need to support them. They have been in existence for over 20 years. The sense that I have always got from WPC is that they are a family. They fight to make their films and are truly independent and they have been integral to making genre films their own way.
Tonight, Wicked Pixel Cinema has graciously asked me to host tonight’s Rockshow which proceeds will go into helping fund In Memory Of, Eric Stanze’s latest directorial effort.I hope you can come down to the event tonight, the event details are below. Not only are you going to catch a great show with some great music but you will be helping put some money in the bank to get Eric Stanze’s latest production In Memory Of. Hope to see y’all tonight!