Destroythebrain.com Presents HORROR TRIVIA NIGHT This Thursday at The Heavy Anchor in St. Louis!
If you are in St. Louis, Missouri and free this Thursday, join me and Jeremy Jones for our 22nd game of HORROR TRIVIA NIGHT! Jeremy and I started this back in April of 2014 and we do this on a quarterly basis (the last show of 2019 will be in October). The event is totally free and even if you don’t do so hot, you’ll have a blast and hopefully walk away with some films to watch when you get back home!
The event starts at 8 pm (we usually start it around 8:15 pm for any latecomers) and it typically goes until 11 pm. Yes, we know people have to work on Friday (that gets addressed next month) but you can sludge through one work day to come out and have the time of your lives.
We will have prize donations from our friends at Messed Up Puzzles (where we have their new Maniac and Zombie puzzles to give to some of our winners), The Nightmare Shop, Urban Chestnut Brewing Company and some DVD, Blu-Ray and poster donations courtesy of myself, Roger Henderson and Joshua Lightfoot!
Click the button below to RSVP on Facebook! Can’t wait to kill see y’all there.
[button type=”link” link=”https://www.facebook.com/events/2191061907813406/” size=”btn-lg” variation=”btn-info”]RSVP on Facebook NOW![/button]