HorrorFAIL: The Vomit Gore Trilogy (Part 2 of 3)

Nick Peron is a man that finishes what he started.  Instead of stopping at the first entry of The Vomit Gore Trilogy, he continues on.  He concludes this trilogy next Thursday.

We are back again for another edition of HorrorFAIL, with the second of our three part series looking at Lucifer Valentine’s Vomit Gore Trilogy. Here’s a quick recap: Back in 2008 I had the “pleasure” of watching Valentine’s first film Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, a nonsensical mess that involved blood and gore, and real honest-to-goodness vomiting. It was so boring me and the girl I was dating at the time ended up having sex during the course of the film.

Upon hearing that it was the first part of a trilogy of films I thought what a better selection for my HorrorFAIL series here at Destroy the Brain. Let’s take a look at Lucifer’s (or Lucy as I like to call him) second offering…

ReGOREgitated Sacrifice (2008)

Usually when you make a sequel, it’s supposed to do two things: (1) continue the story of the first film and (2) surpass the original. Usually, in very rear occasions movies succeed in doing, usually they completely fail. It is very very rare that a sequel can surpass the original. However, this brings me to my first grade of the review:

Surpassing the Success of the Original: A+

I know what you’re thinking: You mean this sequel to Slaughtered Vomit Dolls get an A+ in surpassing the sequel? Damn right it does. That is, if your areas of comparison are boringness, tedium, and lack of creativity.

Because, here is the question that comes up (at least in my mind… Right after “Man do I really need to poop”) when going into this film: How on Earth do you even make a sequel to something that was such a complete utter shit-show to begin with? How can you go beyond a movie where the primary plot point is having girls puking all over glass tables before standing utterly still and allowing themselves to be killed in really slow, inefficient ways?

That my friend can be answered in one word: peeing.

Yes, apparently, Lucifer Valentine’s solution to to the conundrum of doing a sequel to a film with a seemingly no plot is to include another bodily fluid into the mix. More specifically, women peeing. They pee on each other, they pee in glasses and drink it — which you know will lead to them vomiting up the pee.

Yes, and not to  be undone, Lucifer also took vomiting on things to new dimensions as well. Yeah, if you are like me and forced yourself to stay awake through Slaughtered Vomit Dolls you would have noticed that never once does a person puke on another living person (I said living, we all remember the brain puke scene, let’s not relive it I can’t write a review when I am laughing my balls off at horrible scenes like that one) Apparently, that was an untapped story telling angle that Mr. Valentine more than makes up for in this film (note the heavy sarcasm) .

Yes friends, if you are having a hard time trying to find videos of women puking on other women, then reGOREgitated Sacrifice is the movie for you. However, you can save yourself a whole lot of trouble if I can introduce you to this thing here on the internet called Google, it’s quite the rage with the kids.

Originality: D-

Well folks, the premise to this one is (SURPRISE!) not a whole hell of a lot different that the original Slaughtered Vomit Dolls. Women get naked, they’re forced to puke, there are a lot of really fucking annoying jump cuts, then the girl gets killed. And repeat about four or five times.

Valentine once more uses the VHS tape footage of a little girl singing to the camera to once more use that tired “innocent girls becoming strippers/porn stars/prostitutes” angle that he beat to death in the first film. The fact that he used it as a central focus on his character Angela Aberdeen, and you don’t see her a whole lot during the course of the movie, kind of defeats the purpose of having it in there to begin with.

Also, the actress who played Angela Abredeen returns for more incoherent drug fueled rambling and crying about how fucked up her life is. Like that wasn’t done enough in the first movie. Also the two fat guys who would eat human body parts and then force themselves to puke all over the dead body are back for the second course (ah-ha, a little vomit joke there).

I would like to point out that there is some excellent detail paid to continuity in the fact that the second fat guy is wearing an orange trucker hat, just like the first movie. Good job Lucy!

Also back, as mentioned previously, are the really annoying jump cuts. But I’ll get into those later.

Some new “wrinkles” (other than the ones in the tired plot) in this one include the inclusion of two twin girls who are seducing and murdering other women. I will actually give my ol’ pal Lucy some points for actually hiring some attractive women for part of his vomit/gore/porn movies. These girls are pretty cute, unlike most of the others which look like worn out strippers, anorexic hookers, and chubby girls with low self esteem that are looking for that special little boost that only self humiliation can get you. But don’t give too much credit to this because other elements of the film totally ruin any semblance of enjoyment you might get from that.

Back for an encore is a woman pledging herself to Satan, however this time not only does she puke, but she also pees. See? Deeper plot.

Like Slaughtered Vomit Dolls the plot to this one is less obvious because there is no narrative. Just a bunch of footage. According to what can be found on the internet, this continues to follow the world of Angela Abredeen. Apparently we’re watching her being led by the Angels of Death (the two twins) into her pact with Satan. This of course, involves seducing women, forcing them to puke, then killing them, then eating parts of their body and puking on the corpse.

It’s interesting to point out that you only see Angela briefly, as the actress is notably pregnant in the opening scene. Giving Lucy just the excuse to having a scene of the twins making out with her. Which, for someone who has actually had sex with a pregnant woman,  and can speak from experience, I have to say — this in itself is not really that shocking either.

The story focuses on other women, who are pretty much going through the same sort of life-style as Angela Abredeen. These are, apparently, different aspects of her personality. Which, to me sounds like a bit of a wash. Clearly, there were some production limitations given the actress Ameara Lavey’s state of pregnancy. I’d also like to point out that when Lucy was making Slaughtered Vomit Dolls it was when he and Lavey were dating and living together. Clearly, as that was not the case when it came around to reGOREgitated Sacrifice that wasn’t the case, and instead of taking the narrative in a new direction he plods along with the same tired plot, only using different actresses.

Also, apparently all of Satan’s real important work is done in poorly lit hotel rooms.

Editing: F-! F- ! Fffffffffffff -!

If there is anything that Lucy has gotten better at since Slaughtered Vomit Dolls is getting more annoying at editing. Not only does he continue the attempts-at-making you nauseated jump cut, but also masters the art of the incomprehensible jump cut. He goes out of his way to have multiple jump cuts in a segment of film, then if that’s not annoying enough he also dubs over women screaming, and heavy breathing.

He also employs what I like to call the “I saw it in a Black Metal music video technique”. It’s a nifty little trick you can do at home: Get the most expensive high grade camera you can find (don’t forget to ask for mom’s permission!) find a dimly lit room (hotel rooms work best). Place your camera on the floor as far away from your subjects as possible. Now, frame the shot so the action is happening mostly off camera. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE ACTION MUST NOT BE INTERESTING! Someone handing a glass, a body lying on the ground, that sort of thing. Now, push the camera forward and turn it away from the action! Speed up the frame rate in post production and splice a fraction of the footage into your scene and viola you have yourself a shot completely lifted from a black metal video.

It’s a similar technique that was seen in the Evil Dead movies, only the difference is, the Evil Dead films were actually interesting and they had the camera chasing after the action, instead of turning away from it.

Settings: C-

Slaughtered Vomit Dolls graced us with shot after shot of action taking place in hotel rooms and a studio apartment. Both of which were lined with plastic so as not to get the furniture and carpets dirty with all the fake blood and puke. Well reGOREgitated Sacrifice happens to give us more bang for our buck when it comes to scenes. Get ready for scenes that are out of focus shots of parking lots and the illusive white room.

The white room is exactly what it sounds like. It’s essentially one of those completely white walled and floored rooms commonly used in the fashion world. This is where a lot of the gore scenes take place in the movie. A closed set, with zero worries about getting dirty because it’s easy to clean up. Yes once more the folks who made this vomit gore movie are worried about dirtying the upholstery. Then again, I suppose having to pay the damage deposit in a hotel room because of your violent vomit porn can put a dent in the film budget.

I will reiterate my previous contention: If you really want to be gross out shocking. You really should not be all that concerned about sanitation. .

I’m going to toss out again that Lucy Valentine was trying to create an air of realism for his films by pretty much grabbing his camera and filming things. This my friends, is totally ruined by the fact that they prepare plastic sheets in all of the vomiting and pissing scenes that take place in carpeted areas. You kind of lose some realism points by doing that.

If an bulimic drug addicted stripper is going to be puking all over a hotel room, chances are she is not going to have the forethought to put down some plastic sheets  so as not to wreck the carpets.

Gore: A

Yes, once more, I will give credit where credit is due, and the gore effects in reGOREgitated Sacrifice are very impressive. There is some pretty impressive shots where conjoined twins (attached at the face) are split in half with a machete, and a woman is disemboweled. However what ruins these shots is how utterly unbelievable and ridiculous  they are.

This is gore that’s tossed into the film for no particular reason than shock value, so you know right off the bat that this is not going to be particularly interesting in terms of plot development, but it gets even worse.

Especially with the disembowelment scene: The two twins cut open this prostitute and begin pulling out her guts and wrapping them around her neck and choking her out. Then, the two fat guys come in and start nibbling on her guts and then forcing it into their mouths to make themselves puke. If that’s not enough for you they then start doing it to the woman they disemboweled — yes, she is still alive after have her guts ripped out, getting choked out, and having people puke in her gigantic stomach wound. Not only that, she still has the energy and fluids to puke all over herself after having her own intestines shoved down her throat.

I’ve seen Hentai’s that have more faithful depictions of the human anatomy than this.

I understand that this is likely supposed to be some kind of surreal situation, or part of Amber Abredeens supposed passage into death or whatever.. But still… It’s catering entirely to a fetish for the purpose of arousal, not for any sort of horror. This is quite like some of the absurdities of Hentai when it comes to exaggeration of the human body for the sake of sexual arousal. Which is fine, if this is supposed to be a porno. But again, it’s being pushed as a horror movie/art film. If you’re crossing into that line for sexual gratuity because it’s going to personally give you a boner, I think you’re losing your focus.

Final Grade: F

reGOREgitated Sacrifice gets a big fat F. Why? Because it has no redeeming qualities. It’s not offensives. It somehow is more boring than the original, and also excels at being even more annoying to watch.

Also, I’m calling a 20 point demerit for the illegal use of a pun in the movie title. I’m sorry, but I cannot take my vomit gore movies seriously if there is a pun in the title. Talk about amateur hour.

Well two down, one to go. check back for my next edition of HorrorFAIL where I take a stab at the final film in the Vomit Gore Trilogy: Slow Torture Puke ChamberWhich for it’s own sake had better be fucking Shakespeare compared to these other films.

Has had a presence on the internet for 15 years, his various writings about all things nerdy can be found by pounding his name into Google. However, he's also the founder of the almost-never-updated anymore dorkswithoutfaces.com, he is the co-creator of Micro-Shock.com with Chris Seaver, and also maintains Low Budget Pictures website. He has also contributed to other online publications such as bthroughz.com

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