Late Nite Grindhouse Presents ‘THE BURNING’ at Marcus Des Peres 14 Cine on August 26 & 27
We’re ready to slash away summer by presenting the underrated summer slasher The Burning! Nine years ago, we showed this in the theatre and were ready to bring it back for a new generation to experience. Pack your sleeping bag and kiss your parents goodbye!
At summer camp, some teenagers pull a prank on the camp’s caretaker, Cropsy (Lou David). But the joke goes terribly wrong, and the teens leave Cropsy for dead after setting him on fire. But no one keeps Cropsy down. A few years later, the burned and disfigured caretaker returns to camp equipped with his trusty shears, ready to unleash his particular brand of vengeance on a whole new group of teens. The murderous Cropsy stalks the campers in the woods, one by one.
Late Nite Grindhouse presents
Friday, August 26th
Saturday, August 27th
Admission: $10 | 10PM

Andy Triefenbach
Andy Triefenbach is the Editor-in-Chief and owner of DestroytheBrain.com. In addition to his role on the site, he also programs St. Louis' monthly horror & exploitation theatrical midnight program, Late Nite Grindhouse. Coming from a household of a sci-fi father and a horror/supernatural loving mother, Andy's path to loving genre film was clear. He misses VHS and his personal Saturday night 6 tape movie marathons from his youth.

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Drew Bates
After seeing this a couple years ago at LNGH, I bought the original theater release poster!