Can’t Wait for ‘HALLOWEEN’ 40? Watch ‘HALLOWEEN 60’ Now!
Next Friday, 2018’s Halloween will be released in theaters! As a huge fan of Carpenter’s original film, I’m super stoked to see what David Gordon Green and Danny McBride did with the franchise. However, when the first trailer came out and some of the plot was reviewed – stating it is an sequel to Carpenter’s film and ignores Halloween II onward – people came up with some funny stuff with the age of Michael Myers. Keep in mind, Michael Myers was born on October 19, 1957. Making him turn 51 years old when the film comes out. What would Michael Myers be like in 2038? Well, you can find out below…
RELATED: Listen to our podcast episode covering The Thorn Trilogy from the HALLOWEEN franchise
There is really a lot to love about this one. They created a parody trailer that is pretty meticulous in getting all the details from the first trailer while still showing a lot of love to it. Also, this isn’t some cheap mask, this was a custom mask made by the legendary Nikos Dresios from NAG Masks – one of the top custom Myers mask creators. The gang over at Fuzz on the Lens Productions and director Michael Leavy nailed this one and I hope to see it circulating like wildfire for the rest of this month.