No, the Director of KUNG FURY is Not Directing ANNABELLE 2
One of the worst things about the internet blogging is when smaller websites (like this site) copy & paste news from bigger sites without doing their own research. Luckily, we don’t do that. Therefore, let’s clarify this right here and now.
The Director of KUNG FURY is NOT directing ANNABELLE 2
You might be wondering how this started. Well, the folks at SlashFilm posted an article that referenced the announcement in Variety of David Sandberg directing Annabelle 2. Granted, Variety should take some of the blame on this one too as they stated:
New Line has tapped “Lights Out” director David Sandberg to direct “Annabelle 2,” which has landed aprime release date of May 19, 2017.
The confusion is there already. You see, the director of Kung Fury is a Swedish man named David Sandberg. The director of the Lights Out short (found below) goes by David F. Sandberg. Lights Out was a short film that was put into a festival in 2013 and started making the viral rounds since 2014 directed by David F. Sandberg. The feature-length of Lights Out, which was finished filming last year and is produced by James Wan, who also produced Annabelle – which was a spin-off of The Conjuring. The feature-length of Lights Out is scheduled to premiere in theaters on July 22, 2016.
SlashFilm has corrected the error within 2 hours of posting it. However, the incorrect report has spread across small horror blogs and across my Facebook feed to the point of annoyance.
Kung Fury‘s David Sandberg is still in Sweden looking to develop his short film into a feature-length.
Lesson for today – Don’t forget the “F” or you’ll get “f’d”.