Find Out What a Zombie Thinks About In The First 4 Minutes of ‘WARM BODIES’
I imagine the life of a zombie must be a lot like that of a house cat. It’s got to be fairly simplistic but with the occasional moments of loneliness. You shuffle around the house occasionally when you’re not content with just sitting around all day. But again, there is sure to come those solemn moments of loneliness. The first four minutes of the upcoming zombie comedy Warm Bodies (I refuse to use the inane word “zomedy”) illustrate this point fairly well. The adaptation of Isaac Marion’s popular novel follows a zombie named R played by Nicholas Hoult (X-Men: First Class, Skins). His lack of communication skills doesn’t hamper in any way his thought process. He still has feelings and his funny opinions but is unable to vocalize them. But as this clever clip suggests, mankind was never really good at properly communicating with one another anyway. It’s a poignant message which seems to echo the theme of the book. I had read the book earlier this year and was moved at times by it’s simplicity. Unfortunately, I’m not a big fan of the look of R in this clip- with his dark brooding eyes and perfectly placed hair – but will try to control my opinion on the film until I see it. Warm Bodies gets released in theaters on February 1, 2013.
[youtube id=”iI1AkFh3QgU” width=”600″ height=”350″]
Source: Fandango