New ‘AVENGERS’ Trailer is Exactly What You’d Expect: AWESOME!
I’m not going to sit and discuss why I’m so excited about Joss Whedon‘s upcoming superhero extravaganza The Avengers. At this point you are either a fan of the idea of a bunch of costumed characters or your not. For some people the whole concept is a little too silly for them and that is perfectly fine. I get that. Yet for those who grew up reading comics and loved the idea of large-scale action sequences spanning across multiple panels and taking up several pages . . . you are already suited up much like these heroes and ready for a spectacle. Then new trailer for the film, which debuted today, will excite you even more. Not that you need more anticipation for The Avengers. Just like there are some who don’t stare in awe at watching a giant green beast save a falling man in a metal suit in mid air from certain death, there are obviously some who are devoted to this film no matter what. Just yesterday a fairly mediocre “photoshopped” poster popped online followed by a number of disappointed groans from the film community (what exactly is causing Captain America to be so much taller is baffling). You won’t necessarily find this same reaction from the Marvel fanboys. And for that, here’s your reward for accepting an “okay” poster. Enjoy the new trailer.
[youtube id=”tY9DnBNJFTI” width=”600″ height=”350″]